Medicaid Trusts: Still Effective After All These Years

Medicaid Trusts: Still Effective After All These Years

In our April 9, 2020 newsletter, we informed readers of changes to the rules for establishing eligibility for home and community-based services, including the imposition of a penalty period for individuals who transfer assets in anticipation of an application for...
Navigating Nursing Homes and Other Facilities During a Pandemic

Navigating Nursing Homes and Other Facilities During a Pandemic

Over the last several months we have seen story after story about families being unable to visit their loved ones living in skilled nursing facilities, group homes or other congregate settings. The stories we hear from our friends and colleagues are often...
Dear Grandma and Grandpa: A Holiday Tradition…

Dear Grandma and Grandpa: A Holiday Tradition…

We send The Special Needs Estate Planner to over 4,000 email recipients, and over the years our newsletters get passed along to people across the state and beyond. By far the most popular issue has been the one originally entitled, “Dear Grandma and...
Considering Home Care? Think again…

Considering Home Care? Think again…

  A crisis is unfolding. We have enjoyed the expansion of Medicaid home care benefits through the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion (NHTD) Waiver, the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), the Managed Long Term Care (MLTC) Program and similar...